Following the announcement for SEDCO Capital published on 12 / 05 / 1445 H, corresponding to 26 / 11 / 2023 G, regarding the signing of a memorandum of understanding to purchase an educational complex property (“the property”) in the United Arab Emirates on Jumada al-Awal 9, 1445H, corresponding to November 23, 2023G.

Previous announcement link:

Announcement Details (

Description of the Event:

The Saudi Economic and Development Securities Company (“SEDCO Capital”), in its capacity as fund manager of SEDCO Capital REIT Fund (“the Fund”), wishes to announce the extension of the period of the Memorandum of Understanding for an additional 30 working days ending on 01/02/1446 H corresponding to 05/08/2024 G for the purpose of completing the legal and technical due diligence of the property.

Note that the memorandum of understanding was extended in previous periods, and this was announced at the time, on 27/6/1445 H, corresponding to 09/01/2024G, and on 08/09/1445H, corresponding to 18/03/2024 G.

The Impact Caused by the Event: