Announced date | Due date | Distribution date | Distribution way | Amount |
Announced date 2025/01/26 | Due date 2025/01/30 | Distribution date 2025/02/27 | Distribution way Account Transfer | Amount 0.190 |
Assets Classes
Min Limit
Max Limit
Assets Classes International Public Equity, which include investing in IPOs, tradable rights issue, and index funds, whether through direct investments and/or through public and private investment funds.
Max Limit 40%
Assets Classes Local Public Equity, which include investing in IPOs, tradable rights issue, and index funds, whether through direct investments and/or through public and private investment funds.
Max Limit 20%
Assets Classes International debt instruments and Sukuk, whether through direct investments and/or through public and private investment funds.
Min Limit 20%
Max Limit 50%
Assets Classes Local debt instruments and sukuks, whether through direct investments and/or through public and private investment funds.
Min Limit 0%
Max Limit 30%
Assets Classes International investments in money market transactions and Murabaha transactions outside the Kingdom, whether through direct investments and/or through public investment funds
Min Limit 0%
Max Limit 30%
Assets Classes Local investments in money market transactions and Murabaha transactions in the Kingdom, whether through direct investments and/or through public investment funds.
Min Limit 20%
Max Limit 50%
Assets Classes International private equity, whether through direct investments and/or private investment funds.
Min Limit 0%
Max Limit 20%
Assets Classes Local private equity, whether through direct investments and/or private investment funds.
Min Limit 0%
Max Limit 20%
Fund Size
Maximum: SAR 1 Bn Minimum: SAR 300 Mn
Initial Offering Price
SAR 10
Minimum Subscription
SAR 100
Total Number of Units
100 Million Units
For more information, kindly review SEDCO Capital Multi Asset Fund’s terms and conditions: